Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Driving lesson - Defensive Maneuver

You know how you are casually driving on the right hand side of the road, about to overtake a slower vehicle on left while listening to the radio or chatting away with your passengers or worrying that you are going to be late for an appointment, etc... 

And then....... 

You look at your side mirror, you see a car swerving right and left at a distance so close that it seems like he is trying to kiss the butt your car with his.

I'm pretty sure most if not all has driven in Malaysia, and especially on roads in KL, Penang, and Johor, would have encounter a situation as above. Its not only irritating to have someone following so close to you, it is downright dangerous and its intimidating! It spoil your mood of driving, chatting or listening to a good song and adds totally unnecessary stress to an already stressful drive in the city. Its at the top of most hated drivers' list.

But there is a way to counter this kind of driver. Since they have made your drive unpleasant, there is no reason why you should make theirs a pleasant one. This is what your can do, step by step instructions;

1. Remain calm. Do NOT panic, especially if you are a new driver.
2. Keep on driving at your current speed.
3. With you right leg at the accelerator pedal, use your left leg to very lightly (I repeat, very lightly, just enough to trigger your brake lights) tap on the brake pedal for about half a second to a second, the longer the better.
4. Look at the rear view mirror. Check if he is keeping his distance away from your car.

Executing this maneuver should be able to make him keep his distance away from you. If he doesn't, repeat steps 1-4 a few times. If he does not give up, then you can either ignore him or move to the left to let him overtake. 

Or if you are really really really angry with him, then just slam on your brakes. Let him knock into your car and you can claim from his insurance.

Having said that, it should be warned that maneuver of this kind should only be performed if you meet the following requirements;

i. You have more than 5 years of driving experience. 
ii. You are travelling at speed of less than 100kph. 
iii. This maneuver is performed in a controlled situation where no innocent lives of other road users are endangered. 

*If you are traveling at a faster speed or where there are other cars nearby, please do NOT do it. The idiot behind may not have the skill to control his car at such speed. He might ended up spinning his car and endanger the lives of other innocent road users.

Also, this does not mean that I would agree with driver who drive on fast lane at low speed. Please remember that if you are not overtaking, use the slower lane. Fast lane is only to be use if you are overtaking a slower vehicle. Even if you are driving at the speed limit allowable, it does not give you the right to keep to the fast lane if you are not overtaking. There are cars who will travel at speed above the limit. Though it is illegal, but sometimes there could be an emergency.

Bottom line is, remember that if you are not overtaking, always use the slower lane. If you are overtaking, and you come across a tailgater, then perform this defensive maneuver above in a controlled environment.

1 comment:

zewt said...

ahhh... driving... did u see one comment about someone complaining about driving in aussie? just incredible isn't it?

anyway, 1/4 P means within the hour stipulated in the sign, you can park for a quarter of an hour for free. if it shows 1/2 P, it means you can park in the area for half an hour for free. sometimes, you can see 2 P, means 2 hour for free. the time limit is only applicable during the time frame stipulated in the signage.

what about parking outside the time-frame? well.... completely free, park as long as you want.